Instructions for authors
The template for IEEESTEC conference papers has been changed. Please download the new template here.
Camera-ready papers in electronic version are required by Detailed instructions for preparing and sending a camera ready manuscripts is in attached document:
Instructions for Authors (Microsoft Word)
Papers will be reviewed and authors will be informed of the decision of the Technical Programme Committee by All correspondence will be addressed to the first author.
Camera-ready papers must be prepared in Serbian or English language.PAPER PREPARING
Original, previously unpublished papers with scientific and technical contributions are expected. Maximal length of the regular papers is 4 pages. It is desired to occupy even number of pages (2 or 4).Camera-ready papers in electronic version are required by Detailed instructions for preparing and sending a camera ready manuscripts is in attached document:
Instructions for Authors (Microsoft Word)
Papers will be reviewed and authors will be informed of the decision of the Technical Programme Committee by All correspondence will be addressed to the first author.