IEEESTEC Student project conference (2008)
Danijel Danković
The first students' conference "IEEESTEC Student project conference" was held on 30 October, 2008, at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš ( The conference was organized by the student branches of IEEE SB Niš, EESTEC LC Niš and the Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš, in cooperation with IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, IEEE Electron Devices / Solid-State Circuits Chapter and IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter.
The idea for organizing this conference came from student branches of IEEE and EESTEC in Niš, after a very successful cooperation in 2007. At the meeting of representatives of IEEE SB Niš and EESTEC LC Niš held at the end of January, 2008, an initiative was made to organize the conference "IEEESTEC Student project conference". Immediately afterwards, this conference was announced to be approved by the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro. I gave a detailed explanation with the invitation letter for the conference at the annual meeting of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro, held at the ETRAN conference, in Palić on June 9, 2008, when the initiative was accepted. This idea was presented by Dušan Vučković, the secretary of the IEEE SB Niš, and at the co-operative set of national IEEE sections of the countries which are organizers of the ICEST Conference (Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia), and during that conference the meeting was held on June 26, 2008, at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš.
We sent a call for the conference to all student organizations in Serbia, student branches of IEEE, all members of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro. The total number of received works is 23 (in all fields: electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, automation, power engineering, information technology etc.). All papers have passed the review phase, with a minimum of two reviews being provided for each paper. 26 teachers and associates of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš assisted us in the review process. Based on the received papers, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Niš published the Proceedings "IEEESTEC Student project conference", ISBN: 978-86-85195-77-8 (Proceedings + disc). Editors of the Proceedings are: prof. Dr Ninoslav Stojadinović, prof. Dr Bratislav Milovanović, prof. Dr Vera Marković and prof. Dr Goran S. Đorđević. The conference was organized by the Secretariat, consisting of: Mr Danijel Danković, assistant and students of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš: Dušan Vučković, Darko Todorović and Vladan Simić.
The conference was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, prof. Dr Dragan Antić, and the paper presentations were in the hall of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. All papers were presented as posters. In addition to posting posters, the authors also gave oral presentations, showed simulations on a computer, models and final projects. After the conference a formal lunch was organized for the authors in the student restaurant next to the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. All authors received the IEEESTEC Conference promotional material: proceedings, CD disc, notebook and a bag.
Participants of the conference were from the following institutions: Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, Faculty of Information Technologies from Belgrade, Military Academy, SIMPO Vranje and PD "Jugoistok" Niš, Electric power distribution Leskovac. The guests of our conference were also students from abroad (Greece, the Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia), 16 of them, who came through the student exchange organized by EESTEC LC Nis.