IEEESTEC 13th Student project conference (2020)

Danijel Danković

The thirteenth student conference, "IEEESTEC 13th Student projects conference", was held on November 26, 2020. Since the whole world was hit by a difficult situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, this year the conference was held online on the IEEESTEC conference website ( The conference was organized by the student branch of IEEE SB Nis, EESTEC LC Nis, and the Faculty of Electronics in Nis, in cooperation with IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, IEEE Electron Devices / Solid-State Circuits Chapter, and IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter, with the support of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and of Arts (SASA), as well as the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

At the IEEE SB Nis meeting held on February 2020, the initiative for organizing the “IEEESTEC 13th Student projects conference” was supported. The IEEE Section Serbia-Montenegro has supported this initiative.

We sent a call for the conference to authors of papers from the previous conference, to all student organizations in Serbia, student branches of IEEE, members of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro. The total number of received papers is 59 (in the field of: electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, automatics, power engineering, informatics, physics, student mobility etc.). All papers passed the review phase, with a minimum of three reviews being provided for each paper. In the review process, 37 professors and teaching assistants of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš helped us. Based on the received reviews, awards were given:

First place
Paper: Internet unlocking system
Authors: Danijel Dimitrijević, Nikola Krstić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

Second place
a) Paper: Practical realization of the reaction rate test using the Arduino Nano environment
Authors: Sandra Stamenković, Isidora Stevanović, Milan Pejković, Luka Radičević
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

b) Paper: Workplace occupancy information system based on the Arduino platform
Authors: Stefan Popović
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

Third place
Paper: Industrial robot of general purpose
Authors: Veljko Aleksić, Aleksandra Aleksić, Predrag Šubarević
Instituton: Electrotechnical school „Nikola Tesla“ Niš

In the category of “The Best Practical Realization”, and according to the Decision of the Organizing Committee of the Conference awards were awarded:

First place
Paper: Phase difference measuring device
Authors: Tijana Lazić
Institution: Technical school Loznica

Second place
a) Paper: Determination of the RMS value of line and phase voltage of a three-phase inverter based on the input DC voltage
Authors: Jelena Komad
Institution: Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad< br/>
b) Paper: Digital Device for Blood Pressure Measurement Using Oscillometric Technique
Authors: Novak Radivojević, Bojan Draško, Nenad Nikolić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

Third place
Paper: Prenosni punjač baterija na bazi vazdušnog strujanja
Authors: Nikola. Tomašević, Marko Rosić, Viktor Savić, Nemanja Vidović, Igor Verkić, Dušan Maksimović, Ivan Janka, Sreten Suvajdžić
Institution: Electrotechnical school “Mihajlo Pupin”, Novi Sad

Based on the received papers, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Niš published the “IEEESTEC 13th Student projects conference”, ISBN: 978-86-6125-230-3. Editors of the Proceedings are: prof. Dr Ninoslav Stojadinović, prof. Dr Vera Marković, prof. Dr Danijel Danković and prof. Dr Zlatica Marinković. The conference was organized by the Organizing Committee consisting of: prof. Dr Danijel Danković, President of the Conference, Dušan Vučković and Miloš Marjanović, Vice-Presidents of the Conference. The secretariat of the conference consisted of: Jana Vračar, Aleksandra Stojković, Milan Stojanović, Nikola Mitrović, Jovana Veselinović, Željko Radojković, Anđela Stojiljković, Milica Veljović, Maša Radenković, Isidora Stevanović, Sandra Stamenković, Nikola Radisavljević, Milan Ivković, Marija Živković, Nina Dimitrijević, Anđela Kocić, Sandra Veljković, Milivoje Mihajlović, Ana Sentov, Stefan Popović, Stefana Zogović, Nevena Stanković.

Since this year the entire organization of the conference was presented on the website of the IEEESTEC conference, the opening ceremony and the entire program was led by the vice president of the conference Miloš Marjanović, on behalf of the president of this conference prof. Dr. Danijel Dankovic.

All participants had the opportunity to present their work online, through a video presentation they recorded.

Award in the category IEEE Woman in Engineering based on the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Conference went to:

First place
Paper: The Use of Supervised Machine Learning for Physical Activity Recognition and Monitoring
Authors: Katarina Pavlović
Institution: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

The award in the category of IEEE MTT special prize is awarded to:

First place
Paper: Smart home concept based on IoT technologies
Authors: Marija Gojković
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

The special award Paper with the biggest innovation potential received:

First place
Paper: Contactless IC Temperature Sensor with Application in IoT Technologies
Authors: Veljko Vučković
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

By the decision of the Organizing Committee of the IEEESTEC Conference, the paper proposed for the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2021 ( is:

First place
Paper: Object recognition using machine learning techniques for the visually impaired
Authors: Predrag Aleksov, Damjan Denić, Igor Vučković
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš

All authors received as promotional material of the IEEESTEC conference: proceedings, and a certificate of participation in the conference. The authors of the best papers were sent diplomas and special awards, a gift from a friend of the conference, to their home address. Conference participants were from the following institutions: Faculty of Electronics Nis, University of Nis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Technical School Loznica, Electrotechnical School "Nikola Tesla" Nis, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Department of Mechanics, Mathematical Institute SASA, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Electrotechnical School “Mihajlo Pupin” Novi Sad, Knjaževac High School, Technical School Zaječar, Academy of Technical and Educational Vocational Studies, Department of Niš, Technical School Pirot, Veriest, Technical School "Rade Metalac" Leskovac

We hope that next year this conference will be even better organized and more massive.