IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference (2017)
Danijel Danković
The tenth student conference, “IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference”, was held on November 23, 2017 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš ( The conference was organized by the student branch of IEEE SB Niš, EESTEC LC Niš and the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, in cooperation with IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, IEEE Electron Devices/Solid-State Circuits Chapter and IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter, supported by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU).
At the IEEE SB Nis meeting held on February 2017, the initiative for organizing the “IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference” was supported. The IEEE Section Serbia-Montenegro has supported this initiative.
We sent a call for the conference to authors of papers from previous conference, to all student organizations in Serbia, student branches of IEEE, members of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro. The total number of received papers is 75 (in the field of: electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, automatics, power engineering, informatics, physics, student mobility etc.). All papers passed review phase, with a minimum of three reviews being provided for each paper. In the review process, 59 teachers and assistants of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš helped us. Based on the received reviews, awards were given:
First place
Paper: Extended real and virtual real 10. IEEESTEC conference
Authors: M. Ković, D. Đorđević, A. Vukašinović, S. Stošović
Institution: VTŠ Apps Team of the The Higher Technical School of Professional Education, Niš
Second place
Paper: Design, Simulation and Fabrication of a Microstrip Low Pass Filter with Open-Stubs
Authors: Z. Krasteva, I. Vladimirov
Institution: Faculty of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia
Third place
a) Paper: Vector control of permanent magnet machines
Authors: B. Trojic
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
b) Paper: All Sky Cloudiness Estimator
Authors: V. Nikolić, L. Schroder, A. Tešić
Institution: Petnica Science Center
In the category of “The Best Practical Realization”, and according to the Decision of the Organizing Committee of the Conference awards were awarded:
First place
Paper: Weather station - Data logger
Authors: M. Đorđević, B. Jovičić, B. Milosavljević
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Second place
Paper: Mobile android application for driving on highways in Serbia
Authors: P. Lakčević, B. Martinović, R. Damnjanović
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Polytechnic University of Milan
Third place
Paper: Vision testing system and determination of the necessary correction of dioptre - OPTIS
Authors: A. Gavrić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Based on the received papers, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Nis published the “IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference”, ISBN: 978-86-6125-193-1. Editors of the Proceedings are: prof. Dr Ninoslav Stojadinović, prof. Dr Vera Marković, doc. Dr Danijel Danković and doc. Dr Zlatica Marinković. The conference was organized by the Organizing Committee consisting of: Doc. Dr Danijel Danković, President of the Conference, Dušan Vučković and Miloš Marjanović, Vice-Presidents of the Conference. The secretariat of the conference consisted students from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš: Nikola Simić, Dragana Dimitrijević, Đorđe Veličković, Miloš Mitić, Nikola Krstić, Milan Stojanović, Nikola Mitrović, Nikola Radisavljević, Milan Ivković, Marija Živković, Filip Đorović, Stefan Jovanović, Miljan Jerotijević, Anđela Kocić, Jana Vračar, Sandra Veljković and Milivoje Mihajlović.
The conference was officially opened by the vice-rector of the University of Niš, prof. dr Vesna Lopičić. On behalf of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro, the participants were greeted by prof. Dr Vera Marković, President of the Section, as well as the Vice-Dean of the Electronic Faculty in Nis, prof. Dr Nebojša Dončov.
The best papers in both categories were presented verbally. All papers (including awarded) were presented as poster papers in the hall of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš. In addition to posting posters in four-hour time, the authors also used PowerPoint presentations, simulation on the computer, their models and finished products/projects. The authors themselves selected the most interesting paper:
First place
Paper: Authentication system for electronic lock
Authors: M. Ivković, M. Milićević, Stefan Đokić, Nemanja Raković, Dragan Kostić, Lazar Bogdanović, Stefan Tomić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Award in the category IEEE Woman in Engineering based on the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Conference went to:
First place
Paper: Artificial intelligence on the example of LEGO robot
Authors: N. Milenković, T. Stojanović
Institution: Tehnička škola Zaječar
The award in the category of IEEE MTT special prize is awarded to: First place
Paper: Realization of an ASK / PSK modulator
Authors: A. Veljanovska, N. Ilić, L. Tešić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
The Special Award of the Innovation Center of Advanced Technologies received:
First place
Paper: M2M device for measuring temperature and humidity
Authors: M. Stojanović
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
By the decision of the Organizing Committee of the IEEESTEC Conference, paper proposed for the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2018 ( is:
First place
Paper: Fooling a neural network with common adversarial Noise
Authors: N. Popović, M. Mihajlović
Institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
All authors received the IEEESTEC Conference promotional material: a collection of papers, a cup, a ballpoint pen, a block and a bag. The best papers were awarded with diplomas and awards, gifts from friends of the conference. Participants of the conference were from the following institutions: Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš, Faculty of Telecommunications - Technical University of Sofia, University of Milan, University of Nova de Lisboa-Portugal, Technical University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, Military Academy-University of Defense in Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, High School of Electrical Engineering and Computing of Professional Studies in Belgrade, Singidunum University in Belgrade, High Technical School of Professional Studies in Niš, Gymnasium "Bora Stanković" in Niš, Electro’Technical School “Nikola Tesla” Niš, Petnica Science Centre, Technical School "Rade Metalac" in Leskovac, Technical School "Nikola Tesla" in Surdulica, Technical School Zaječar, Knjaževac Gymnasium and Technical School Loznica, The Higher Technical School of Professional Education in Niš.
We hope that next year this conference will be even better organized and more massive.
The tenth student conference, “IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference”, was held on November 23, 2017 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš ( The conference was organized by the student branch of IEEE SB Niš, EESTEC LC Niš and the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, in cooperation with IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, IEEE Electron Devices/Solid-State Circuits Chapter and IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter, supported by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU).
At the IEEE SB Nis meeting held on February 2017, the initiative for organizing the “IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference” was supported. The IEEE Section Serbia-Montenegro has supported this initiative.
We sent a call for the conference to authors of papers from previous conference, to all student organizations in Serbia, student branches of IEEE, members of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro. The total number of received papers is 75 (in the field of: electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, automatics, power engineering, informatics, physics, student mobility etc.). All papers passed review phase, with a minimum of three reviews being provided for each paper. In the review process, 59 teachers and assistants of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš helped us. Based on the received reviews, awards were given:
First place
Paper: Extended real and virtual real 10. IEEESTEC conference
Authors: M. Ković, D. Đorđević, A. Vukašinović, S. Stošović
Institution: VTŠ Apps Team of the The Higher Technical School of Professional Education, Niš
Second place
Paper: Design, Simulation and Fabrication of a Microstrip Low Pass Filter with Open-Stubs
Authors: Z. Krasteva, I. Vladimirov
Institution: Faculty of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia
Third place
a) Paper: Vector control of permanent magnet machines
Authors: B. Trojic
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
b) Paper: All Sky Cloudiness Estimator
Authors: V. Nikolić, L. Schroder, A. Tešić
Institution: Petnica Science Center
In the category of “The Best Practical Realization”, and according to the Decision of the Organizing Committee of the Conference awards were awarded:
First place
Paper: Weather station - Data logger
Authors: M. Đorđević, B. Jovičić, B. Milosavljević
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Second place
Paper: Mobile android application for driving on highways in Serbia
Authors: P. Lakčević, B. Martinović, R. Damnjanović
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Polytechnic University of Milan
Third place
Paper: Vision testing system and determination of the necessary correction of dioptre - OPTIS
Authors: A. Gavrić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Based on the received papers, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Nis published the “IEEESTEC 10th Student project conference”, ISBN: 978-86-6125-193-1. Editors of the Proceedings are: prof. Dr Ninoslav Stojadinović, prof. Dr Vera Marković, doc. Dr Danijel Danković and doc. Dr Zlatica Marinković. The conference was organized by the Organizing Committee consisting of: Doc. Dr Danijel Danković, President of the Conference, Dušan Vučković and Miloš Marjanović, Vice-Presidents of the Conference. The secretariat of the conference consisted students from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš: Nikola Simić, Dragana Dimitrijević, Đorđe Veličković, Miloš Mitić, Nikola Krstić, Milan Stojanović, Nikola Mitrović, Nikola Radisavljević, Milan Ivković, Marija Živković, Filip Đorović, Stefan Jovanović, Miljan Jerotijević, Anđela Kocić, Jana Vračar, Sandra Veljković and Milivoje Mihajlović.
The conference was officially opened by the vice-rector of the University of Niš, prof. dr Vesna Lopičić. On behalf of the IEEE Section Serbia and Montenegro, the participants were greeted by prof. Dr Vera Marković, President of the Section, as well as the Vice-Dean of the Electronic Faculty in Nis, prof. Dr Nebojša Dončov.
The best papers in both categories were presented verbally. All papers (including awarded) were presented as poster papers in the hall of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš. In addition to posting posters in four-hour time, the authors also used PowerPoint presentations, simulation on the computer, their models and finished products/projects. The authors themselves selected the most interesting paper:
First place
Paper: Authentication system for electronic lock
Authors: M. Ivković, M. Milićević, Stefan Đokić, Nemanja Raković, Dragan Kostić, Lazar Bogdanović, Stefan Tomić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Award in the category IEEE Woman in Engineering based on the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Conference went to:
First place
Paper: Artificial intelligence on the example of LEGO robot
Authors: N. Milenković, T. Stojanović
Institution: Tehnička škola Zaječar
The award in the category of IEEE MTT special prize is awarded to: First place
Paper: Realization of an ASK / PSK modulator
Authors: A. Veljanovska, N. Ilić, L. Tešić
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
The Special Award of the Innovation Center of Advanced Technologies received:
First place
Paper: M2M device for measuring temperature and humidity
Authors: M. Stojanović
Institution: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
By the decision of the Organizing Committee of the IEEESTEC Conference, paper proposed for the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2018 ( is:
First place
Paper: Fooling a neural network with common adversarial Noise
Authors: N. Popović, M. Mihajlović
Institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
All authors received the IEEESTEC Conference promotional material: a collection of papers, a cup, a ballpoint pen, a block and a bag. The best papers were awarded with diplomas and awards, gifts from friends of the conference. Participants of the conference were from the following institutions: Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš, Faculty of Telecommunications - Technical University of Sofia, University of Milan, University of Nova de Lisboa-Portugal, Technical University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, Military Academy-University of Defense in Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, High School of Electrical Engineering and Computing of Professional Studies in Belgrade, Singidunum University in Belgrade, High Technical School of Professional Studies in Niš, Gymnasium "Bora Stanković" in Niš, Electro’Technical School “Nikola Tesla” Niš, Petnica Science Centre, Technical School "Rade Metalac" in Leskovac, Technical School "Nikola Tesla" in Surdulica, Technical School Zaječar, Knjaževac Gymnasium and Technical School Loznica, The Higher Technical School of Professional Education in Niš.
We hope that next year this conference will be even better organized and more massive.